Today I'm showing off a few of my new beads, made with Boro. This is a new batch, my first after returning from a family visit to California. You'll note that I'm trying out some new techniques here (look at that blue bead with the star field embedded in it, for instance, I really did that on purpose :-). I'm a happy camper today, although I believe there is a lot of room for improvement... A very few of these are/will be posted in my Etsy store.
Tips for Glass Artists:
All my beads are made with a Nortel Minor torch coupled with an O2 concentrator. While many will tell you that it just isn't possible, I'm here to tell you that it is... I highly recommend the tutorial "Boro on a Concentrator" written by a very talented glass artist nameed Pipyr. You can see Pipyr's art and purchase one of her wonderful tutorials at